The Baptism with the Holy Spirit Introduction

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Lesson Summary

Throughout the course on Baptism with the Holy Spirit, you can expect the following:

  • Scriptural truth
  • True stories
  • Prayer
  • Activation

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is significant for your spiritual life because Jesus, the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, desires to empower all believers with this experience. It is meant to empower and equip you today. Reflect on Acts 2:38-39 and contemplate how God wants to pour out His Spirit on you.

In Part 1, start the journey with the Holy Spirit with an open heart. Understand the Holy Spirit as God, a friend, and know Him personally. Jesus, the Baptizer, promises this empowerment. Dive into reading John chapters 14, 15, and 16 without limitations on the Holy Spirit's promise.

Part 2 explains how Holy Spirit baptism empowers you to be a witness for Jesus through signs like love for God and others, as well as speaking in tongues. Memorize Acts 1:8 and contemplate the power that comes with this Baptism.

Part 3 highlights how the disciples received the Baptism and various ways individuals can experience it, such as through prayer, worship, or laying on of hands. Read Luke 11:13 and persist in asking and receiving.

Part 4 emphasizes the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit, which might manifest as love, power, joy, or speaking in new ways. Set aside distractions, worship, and ask Jesus to Baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Part 5 concludes by stressing the importance of praying in tongues daily if you've received the Baptism and encouraging continual asking for this gift if you haven't. Embrace the Spirit Empowered Life and seek out more resources on the ministry's website.

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